3 min readJan 25, 2024

Once upon a time, in a parallel universe not too far from our own, there existed a world where the laws of reality were slightly skewed. In this world, the impossible was possible, the improbable was probable, and the unexpected was expected. This was a world where the eccentric thrived, and the ordinary was extraordinary.

In this world, there was a man named Donald Trump, a man of great wealth and power, who had ascended to the highest office in the land. He was a man of many words, but few actions, a man who thrived on chaos and reveled in controversy. But his reign was not without its challenges.

In the heart of this world, there was a city known as the City of Dreams. It was a city of innovation and progress, a city that was always looking towards the future. The city was governed by a council of wise and just leaders, who were elected by the people to serve the people.

One day, the council announced that they were holding a grand competition, a competition that would determine the future of the city. The competition was simple: whoever could build the most impressive and innovative structure in the city would be granted the power to rule the city for the next four years.

Trump, always one to seize an opportunity, decided to enter the competition. He promised to build a tower so tall that it would touch the sky, a tower that would symbolize his power and wealth. The people were intrigued, and many believed that Trump would surely win the competition.

But there was one person who dared to challenge Trump. A young architect named Ava, who was known for her innovative designs and her commitment to sustainable architecture. Ava believed that the future of the city should not be determined by wealth and power, but by innovation and progress. She decided to enter the competition and challenge Trump.

Ava worked tirelessly on her design, a design that was not only innovative but also sustainable. She designed a building that would not only touch the sky but alsogive back to the earth. A building that would generate its own energy, recycle its own waste, and provide a habitat for local wildlife. A building that was not just a symbol of power, but a symbol of progress.

The day of the competition arrived, and the people gathered to see the unveiling of the structures. Trump's tower was indeed tall, it touched the sky just as he had promised. But it was also cold and impersonal, a symbol of wealth and power, but not of progress.

Then came the unveiling of Ava's building. It was not as tall as Trump's tower, but it was far more impressive. It was a living, breathing structure, a structure that was not just a building, but a part of the city itself. The people were awestruck, and they knew that Ava's building was the future of the city.

The council, seeing the reaction of the people, knew what they had to do. They declared Ava the winner of the competition, and granted her the power to rule the city for the next four years. Trump, for all his wealth and power, had lost.

And so, in this parallel universe, the impossible became possible, the improbable became probable, and the unexpected became expected. Trump, the man of many words but few actions, was defeated by Ava, the young architect with a vision for the future. And the City of Dreams continued to dream, to innovate, and to progress, under the wise and just rule of Ava.


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