1 min readApr 3, 2024

In the beginning, a whisper I confide,
A longing deep within, I could no longer hide.
I wish I was wild, free as the wind's ride,
Unfettered by chains of the world, cast aside.

To dance with the leaves, in autumn's golden tide,
To chase the horizon, where sun and earth collide.
To sing with the brook, in its melodious stride,
In the heart of nature, I yearn to reside.

Yet, a bitter truth, reality can't hide,
The forests of old, in memories reside.
The rivers once clear, now humanity's pride,
In the name of progress, nature's beauty died.

To go back to nature, a dream far and wide,
Yet, where is the nature to which we could glide?
In the mirror of time, our actions deride,
The moral ends here, with a sorrow we can't hide.

There's no nature to go back, a truth we've defied,
In the heart of the wild, our spirits once lied.
Yet, hope springs eternal, in hearts allied,
To heal, to restore, for nature's lost pride.


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